A deep, black hued color, with a purple rim, this is brimming with youthful vibrancy. It smells of ripe figs, sweet black plums and cassis. Medium-plus in body, it sits directly in the midpalate. The alcohol is high, but well-managed. The lightly grainy tannins are fine and very discreet, while the acidity is refreshing but highly integrated. There is no obvious new oak, making this a possible value candidate and a good beverage to offer by the glass. Enjoy through 2017.
— Published (7/30/2015)
Company: ion Patrick Clerget
Address: 2 rue du Grenier a Sel, Beaune, 21200
Country: FRANCE
Tel: +33
Web Site: www.patrick-clerget.com
Contact: Jeremy WASZCZUK
Contact Email: accueil@patrick-clerget.com