
Don Laurindo 2009 Reserva Vinho Fino Tinto Seco  Merlot (Vale dos Vinhedos)

abv: 12% | Price Tier: $$

This wine is opaque and black with a miniscule red rim. Overt aromas of charcoal, roasted plum and licorice suggest a ripe wine style. The flavors bring out rustic notes of barnyard and aged timber. The palate feels juicy, despite its massive ripeness which could convey heaviness. The racy acidity and mild, grainy tannins keep things in check on the palate. On the moderate finish, the tannin lingers long enough to become a bit drying. Big in flavor yet modest in concentration, this is a wine to enjoy in its youth, now through mid-2015, though there is no evident reason to wait.

Published (7/16/2013)

Company: Don Laurindo

Address: Estrada do Vinho - 8 da Graciema, Vale dos Vinhedos, Bento Goncalves, RS, 95700

Country: BRAZIL


Web Site: www.donlaurindo.com.br

Contact: Ademir Brandelli

Contact Email: ademir@donlaurindo.com.br

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