A pretty peachy pink in the glass, this wine is very reduced when first poured. The palate starts with a flinty pop and offers very modestly concentrated and overtly candied fruit flavors. Vague aromas of canned peaches and tart rhubarb mingle with some soft-stemmed herbs. Some catchy, lightly drying tannins dry off the finish quickly, though the perky acidity does keep the mouth watering. Drink now.
— Published (1/27/2022)
Company: Sociedade Agricola Sangue Real, Lda
Address: Quinta dos Arcos, Aldeia de Irmãos, Azeitao, 2925-018
Tel: 351912288580
Web Site: sanguereal.com
Contact: Rodolphe Bouquillard
Contact Email: sanguereallda@gmail.com