Utterly exotic on the fragrant nose, this smells distinctively like a Sauvignon Blanc. It starts with classic notes of ripe citrus and cut grass. Then, there is an unusual, underlying base note that develops a waxy dimension. Full-bodied, with considerable midpalate heft, there is a surprising, searingly dry finish that tastes of lemon curd. Overall, the wine feels a bit hard. Drink now.
— Published (1/27/2022)
Company: Sociedade Agrícola Sangue Real, Lda
Address: Quinta dos Arcos, Aldeia de Irmãos, Azeitão, Azeitão, 2925-018
Tel: 35 1
Web Site: sanguereal.com
Contact: Rodolphe Antunes Bouquillard
Contact Email: sanguereallda@gmail.com