Smelling downright racy, this slate- and yellow plum-driven wine somehow seethes with elegance and youthfulness. The palate dances with delicate flavors of Asian pear, Mirabelle plum and honeydew. Racy, thirstquenching acidity and a pithy texture lend tension to the light-bodied palate. While showing very good harmony, with a medium finish, it might be better to keep this wine for another six months in bottle to allow its youthful nature to relax. At any rate, this will hold and may improve in the midterm. Drink now–2024.
— Published (1/29/2021)
Company: O'Leary Walker Wines
Address: 7093 Horrocks Highway, Leasingham , South Australia, 5452
Tel: 61
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Contact: Vikas Gupta
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